Doesn’t this sound simple? Capture the moments of when you were in ‘the zone’ and replicate.
Athletes spend hours mentally preparing by trying to relive those feelings of being ‘in the zone’ – both before performing and during performance.
The same goes in business. Remember the times when you were ‘on fire’ or ‘on a roll?
How did it feel?
Imagine spending 5 minutes each day upon waking up visualing that feeling of being ‘on ‘fire’ and ‘on a roll’. Well you can!
In addition, have you ever spent time thinking about the moments that may have helped contribute to you being at your best?
For me, I always perform best in business when:
- I’ve worked out in the gym or done exercise that morning
- I am well rested, well fed and hydrated, feeling full of energy, raring to go in the morning
- I feel excited to jump out of bed and start tackling the tasks ahead
- I feel relaxed in my surrounds undistracted and knowing that I won’t be distracted. Often this involved working from home
- I have clear goals in mind I am trying to achieve
When I am not at my peak, I feel:
- lethargic, weak
- overwhelmed
- bombarded by the ‘urgent’ and not the ‘important’
- That someone is about to interrupt me
- That there are too many distractions
So knowing what works and doesn’t work and the environments that assist me in performing at my peak are critical to know.
What makes you perform well and under what circumstances?
I’m in the zone when I can write 2 or 3 consecutive blog posts which fly off the keyboard. Other times I get writers block and there’s nothing I can do to free up my mind. In fact I find that writing in the office is the worst place for me to be truly relaxed with an open mind to think clearly and write well. When I am free from distraction, my mind opens up!
So ask yourself these questions:
- When did you feel great about your day’s work?
- When do you feel most relaxed?
- When do think the clearest?
- What irritates you at work, in the office? Who irritates you?
- When have you done your best work?
- What did you do to prepare in the lead up?
When I made runs as a batsman playing cricket (not often enough!), I always remember that I was simply in the moment. I was single focused on the ball, I was calm, still and reacted instinctively. I felt that no one was going to get me out. I was in control. I wasn’t thinking negative thoughts, I wasn’t thinking about the scoreboard, I was simply watching each ball and playing each ball on its merits. Sounds simple but it’s very hard to replicate time and time again.
As entrepreneurs we strive to be at our peak every day, but try and set up your routine so you can maximize the chances of operating at your peak more regularly!
- Jono
P.S want help getting to your peak and operating in THE ZONE far MORE OFTEN? It takes practice but you can find it each day and achieve incredible improvements in productivity and achievements. Enquire HERE. Let’s get you to the equivalent of shooting free throws successfully with your eyes closed. Free Growth Review valued a $497. I reckon you operate less than 25% of your time at your PEAK.